
این بر نامه با استفاده از یک پشته(stack) عمل حذف درج و... را انجام می دهد

#  define SIZE 20
class stack
   int mytop;
   int items[SIZE];
    stack();//tabe sazande
    int empty();//test khali naboodan poshte(0 or 1)
    void push(int x);//ezafe kardan adad
    void pop(int &); //hazf az poshte
    void top(int &);
    void display();//namayesh poshte
//************************ tarif tavabee *************************

 mytop= (-1);
int stack::empty()
void stack::push(int x)
  cout<<"\n\n\tSory,Stack is Full";
  cout<<"\n\tPress An Key To Contniue...";
void stack::pop(int &x)
  cout<<"\n\n\tSory,Stack Is Empty...";
  cout<<"\n\tPress Any key To Contenue...";
void stack::top(int &x)
  cout<<"\n\n\tSory,Stack Is Empty...";
  cout<<"\n\tPress Any key To Contenue...";
void stack::display()
  cout<<"\n\n\n\tStack Is Emptyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!";
  for(int i=mytop;i>=0;i--)
   cout<<"\n\n    "<<items[i];
int menue();
//                   Main
//                         **********************
void main()
 int x;
 stack s;
  case 1:


  case 2:
   cout <<"Enter a number to push in stack: ";

  case 3:
   cout<<"\n\tpopd Voluvs is: "<<x;

  case 4:
   cout<<"\n\tretrieved value is: "<<x;

  case 5:
  }//end case
 }//end wile

int menue()
 int x;
 cout<<"\n\n\n\t1. print stack";
 cout<<"\n\n\t2. Add to Stack";
 cout<<"\n\n\t3. pop from stack";
 cout<<"\n\n\t4. show top of stack";
 cout<<"\n\n\t5. Exit";
 cout<<"\n\n\n\n\tEnter your  select(1 - 5):\a ";
 return x;